Friday, January 31, 2014

Something A Little Different

Ah boating, taking a day or a couple of hours and heading out onto Greers Ferry Lake; Jumping into the cool water on a hot day, sitting in the shade with a few buddies waiting for a fish to nibble on your bait, or following behind a fast boat catching their wake. These are just a few of the most popular ways to spend time on the water. But this year you want to try something a little different on the water.

Paddleboarding is something that maybe you have tried, or maybe not. It is a surface water sport in which the rider stands or kneels on a board that looks like a surfboard and propels themselves through the water using a paddle. This is one of the more relaxing ways to spend your time on the water. All you need to start enjoying this new hobby would be a board and a paddle.

A personal water craft is something that I know we have all heard of, but is it something you have actually tried? A PWC (Personal Water Craft) is not something to be enjoyed by the faint of heart. It is a fast paced adrenaline rush type of fun. This is not for everyone, if you are under the age of 16 and have not have a safety class you are not allowed to operate a PWC in the state of Arkansas. What is a PWC you ask? It is an inboard pump jet engine that you will stand or kneel on top of to ride over the water.

Barefoot water skiing, yes barefoot, is the final new water hobby I would like to mention. This is a surface water activity in which a rider is towed behind a boat going at high speeds while holding on to a rope that is tied to the boat. The rider has no other gear and is riding on top of the water with his bare feet. With barefoot water skiing, you will need to be traveling at higher speeds than the more traditional form of water skiing to keep the rider above the water. Grab a rope, and plant your feet on the water.

Here are three new ways that you could be enjoying the waters of Greers Ferry Lake this year. The big question, which one will you try? Make sure to let us know what new adventure you chose. Paddleboarding, barefoot water skiing, and riding on a personal water craft are all great ways to have fun, so let’s get going and enjoy the water.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Preparing For a Day of Boating Fun

We are getting closer and closer to being able to spend more time on the water; spending time with friends and family. Preparing properly for your trip can make or break your entire adventure. We will help you to make sure that your next boating day trip will be one to be remembered for all the right reasons.  

Safety comes first. That means that when you are preparing for your boating day trip you need to make sure that everyone on board has a properly fitted life jacket. Especially for any children or anyone who will be participating in watersports. It is a small investment that will allow you to have peace of mind while on the water.  

What will you eat? Spending all day in the sun and exercising with fun activities in and on the water will make anyone hungry. Make sure that you pack plenty of choices for snacks that are tough enough to survive being tossed around. Durable foods like apple slices or carrot sticks over a banana, a sturdy Pringles can over a bag of chips which could be easily crushed, and individual serving size packs of snacks to keep the moisture out of the content that wasn't eaten.

Let's wash it down. Water, water, and more water. Water and sports drinks are the best options when it comes to drinking while being out on a boat all day. Stay light on the soda and energy drinks because they will not help with hydration. Also remember to be responsible with any alcoholic beverages on board.  

What else to bring? Once you have the food and drink taken care of, what else should you pack for your day of boating fun? Sunscreen and chap stick, and make sure to bring plenty of it. You will need to reapply it throughout the day, every couple of hours. Insect repellent go a long way when it comes to comfort around vegetation. Keep a spray can handy. Hand sanitizer will allow you and your friends to clean up before reaching for that snack. Bring along extra swim suits, towels, water shoes, hats, sunglasses and a change of clothes for the ride home. You always need more than you think you will. It is OK to pack a little heavy; you would hate to be without.  

A little preparation goes a long way, so think it through and make a list. It will make your day on the water that much more enjoyable for you and the rest of the crew.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Let's Go Fishing

There are a lot of us who pass our time during the off season fishing. Fishing can seem like a very laid back sport with little to worry about, and for the most part it is. There are a few things that you will want to keep in mind to keep you safe while trying to relax on the water.

The first thing to remember when you are going on a fishing adventure is to prepare. Preparing starts with checking the forecast. Just because the weather looks good right now doesn't mean that it will be like that all day. Keep an eye on the sky and the weather app on your phone. Being prepared also means that you are dressed for the day. Dressing in layers and ending with a water/wind protection layer. Appropriate foot gear is required for safety. That means not sandals or bare feet allowed. Your goal is to stay dry and warm.

Another way to prepare before departure is to pack the extra items that you will need on board including water, flashlights, maps, insect repellent and cellphone or radio. Keeping these extra safety items in the boat are helpful in emergency situations. Another important safety tip to remember is to always keep your fillet knives sharp. You wouldn't want to be out on an unstable boat trying to sharpen a knife or worse yet trying to hack away at a fish with a dull one.

When you are on the water, make sure to wear your life vest at all times. Having it within reach does not count. In an emergency situation you will not think or be able to grab it before hitting the water. Put it on before leaving shore. Once out on the water, use caution when you bait or remove hooks. They are sharp and the boat is constantly moving so make sure to handle the fish carefully. Because of those reasons, you should always use safety glasses when you are casting.

One of the most important tips to remember is do not fish in areas where it is not permitted. They are off limits for a reason, usually to protect wildlife, vegetation, or for your safety. When you choose your fishing spot, always consider safety factors.

Using these tips will keep you and your new fishing buddies safe while on the water. Remember fishing is fun and following these rules will ensure that it stays that way. Now, let's go fishing.