Saturday, August 31, 2013

Toddlers And Boating

Are you ready to bring your little one on your boat for the first time? Don't spend too much time stressing over whether he will be safe or not. Bringing a child on a boat is similar to having them in the car. Just use these tips for toddlers and boating and you will be just fine.

First things first, before you even head to the boat with your little one, make a trip with just yourself and a few pieces of safety equipment. You will want to child proof your boat just like you would your home. Stow things away from little hands and make sure that all doors and cabinets are secure. Also, make sure that you have a well-fitting life jacket for your little one waiting for when they step on board.

The next steps are all how you prepare at home for the trip, what you need to bring. First, make sure that you have packed plenty of fluids and the sippy cups to put them in. You will want to make sure that you bring extra cups because you know how kids can be and the next thing you know the cup goes flying over board.

You have the drinks, now what about the snacks. When you are packing your snack bag, make sure to stay away from foods that are too salty or too sweet. Those could upset your little ones stomach being out in the sun all day. If your little one does get nauseous, ginger snap cookies are good to keep on hand to settle their stomachs down.

When you are packing your diaper bag, there really isn't anything out of the ordinary that you would need to bring. Just remember to bring an extra one of everything that you usually keep in the diaper bag. An extra outfit, extra diapers, extra lotion, and lots and lots of sunscreen are some things to keep in mind.

Finally, when packing for your adventure, make sure to bring some water proof toys or crayons and paper. Your baby might not be as interested in the beauty on the water as you are, so you will need to make sure that you will have something to keep your little one entertained.

Just remember, boating is a way to relax. Having your little one on board should be an enjoyable experience. If you are not ready to bring them, don't be pressured by friends and family to do so. If you are ready to introduce your child into the wonderful world of boating, then use this to help make that first day go just a little bit more smoothly.

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